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Transcripts Now Available!

Transcripts are available for recent episodes. To access go to: Transcripts. Or use the dropdown menu above under 'Podcast'.

Podcast On YouTube

That is right! The podcast is now uploaded to YouTube. This has been a work in progress for a while. We wanted to provide a visualizer and not just a static image. We hope to expand our YouTube presence as time goes on!

Latest Podcast Episode

TCW 227 - Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong, a game and character that stands as one of the foundational elements of video game history, has a popular narrative with some inaccuracies that need correction. Thanks to the efforts of Kate Willaert and Norman Caruso, we can better understand the influences and origins of Donkey Kong. Nintendo’s use of hardware from another game, Radar Scope, imposed technical limitations that prevented them from securing the desired Popeye license. Donkey Kong drew inspiration from games like Crazy Climber and Space Panic, and its four stages even incorporate elements of the Eastern storytelling structure known as Kishōtenketsu. Join us as we delve into the fascinating origins of Donkey Kong like never before!